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There are a number of ways that sound may help with Health and Well-Being of an individual although no two journeys are same. The sounds may allow personal homeostasis to occur (bring the body back to it optimum health status).

This works in two ways of understanding; science and spiritual.  Both can show how one may achieve a greater vibrational resonance within .

HEARING - The nervous system is stimulated via the tympanic and auricular nerves in the ear and the vagus nerve which is connected to most organs gently stimulates the cells to receive the vibration.  You may feel relaxed very quickly.

QUANTUM PHYSICS - We are a human body, made of organs, which are made of cells, which have molecules and then atoms.  The atoms are 99.9999% space. So all life is mostly space.  However, this space has energy and vibration, therefore by changing the vibration of the space, it reaches the molecules, cells, organs, body, cosmos, Universe. (Albert Einstein)

WATER - Dr Emoto suggests water is affected by everything.  As our body is 70 % water, what we think, feel, hear, read will have a big impact on our water within our cells.

CYMATICS - Sound affects matter and cymatics shows this.  (Hans Jenny)

ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY - Sound vibrations can affect the electromagnetic energy around us, especially from the heart space.  The energy of the heart surpasses the energy of the mind. (Heartmath Institute)

INTUITION - Homeostasis of the pineal gland allows for one to live with greater intuition, enhancing clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance.

EPIGENETICS - By relaxing with the sounds/meditation daily, you are switching OFF unhealthy genes and switching ON healthy genes. (Dr Herbert Benson)

CONNECTION - By using the sounds in nature, a greater connection to your own Core may be felt, becoming at ONE with all. Linking into the Source is made easy.

Use the sounds on everything - Animals, Children, All Nature - Trees, Plants etc, Water, Food, Rooms, Work Place, Sacred Sites.  EVERYTHING will potentially respond as everything is energy and holds a vibration, therefore a frequency.

Copyright Suara Sound Academy 2020

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